Blog by Nurture.

Interview With An Artist - Henry Cox
Nurture Design Nurture Design

Interview With An Artist - Henry Cox

Grab a coffee and get ready to be inspired! Today we chat with the legend that is Henry Cox, musician (Boston Manor) and designer about his artistic journey, design inspiration and his creative processes… Enjoy!

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Women in Graphic Design
Nurture Design Nurture Design

Women in Graphic Design

March is Women’s History Month, and to honour this important month, we have been inspired to celebrate the women who paved the way in graphic design.

Graphic design, as an art form and industry, has been shaped by the contributions of numerous talented people throughout history. But while men have traditionally dominated the sector, so many iconic women have played pivotal roles in shaping the industry, paving the way and leaving their mark on design history.

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Creative Spotlight: Barbie
Nurture Design Nurture Design

Creative Spotlight: Barbie

After the recent ‘BarbieGate’ controversy, where it seemed that Greta Gerwig and Margot Robbie were snubbed by the Oscar’s, it got us reminiscing about one of our favourite new films. Let’s take a look into the iconic film’s visual style from the perspective of graphic design.

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2024 Design Trends
Nurture Design Nurture Design

2024 Design Trends

So, it’s now 2024! How did that happen?! As we step into the exciting world of graphic design in 2024, it's clear that creativity knows no bounds. With technological advancements and new trends on the horizon, designers are pushing the envelope and redefining visual aesthetics. This is Nuture’s predictions of what design trends there will be in 2024…

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Design Is Everything
Nurture Design Nurture Design

Design Is Everything

In today’s fast paced world, information is always bombarding us from all directions. Good design plays a huge role in shaping our daily choices and decisions. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, design subtly influences and guides our actions in ways that we may not even notice …

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Band vs Brand: Being Recognisable
Nurture Design Nurture Design

Band vs Brand: Being Recognisable

Here at Nurture, we are massive music lovers! We have had the opportunity to work with many of our favourite bands and artists, and if there is one thing that we always tell them, it is that they should see themselves as a brand…

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Collaboration In Design
Nurture Design Nurture Design

Collaboration In Design

At Nurture, we believe that the most important part of any successful project is open communication with our clients.

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The Role of  Design for Small Business
Nurture Design Nurture Design

The Role of Design for Small Business

Think that good design is only for big businesses? Think again! The days of small businesses having to bodge together designs in a bid to remain within budget are long gone, but why is good design so important for small businesses too?

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